True Balance Within

Healing for Pets

Is your pet withdrawn, aggressive, sulky, anxious or timid; have they gone off their food or water or perhaps become a fussy eater and there is nothing physically wrong?

If your pet doesn’t seem to be 100% healthy or happy and the cause isn’t easily determined, your pet could be emotionally distressed and an energy healing balance may help.

Depending on your pets’ history, he/she may have come from an abusive or neglected household. Shock, trauma and anxiety are all part of your pets’ energy. Animals can be traumatised by events, weather, loud noises and abuse.

By using muscle testing, the cause of these symptoms can be located and processed. The energy of your pet becomes aligned and the healing begins.

Kinesiology works in conjunction with veterinarian care. Kinesiology does not treat, diagnose or prescribe so please contact your vet for conditions you are concerned about.

You as the owner

As a pet owner, you connect with your animal on a deep emotional and energetic level so your stress can affect their energy.  Pets can reflect your emotional and physical stress so it is highly beneficial to work with you as well. Please consider having a Kinesiology balance or energy work yourself, in conjunction with balancing your pet.

How is Energy Healing done on Pets?

Energy healing is done on pets through a Surrogate (or substitute).  This can be you as the owner, or someone who knows the animal or myself as the practitioner.  I use Kinesiology (muscle testing) to find what healing techniques are required.

Clinic and Online Skype Healing:

If you are on the Sunshine Coast you can come to the clinic with a photo of your pet and I will do the muscle testing on you as the surrogate.

Using an online application, Skype or Zoom, you can have your pet with you.
I will do the muscle testing on myself and get you to do any corrections required.

Distant Healing:

Distant healing can be done worldwide.
Email the following details of your pet:

  • Your name
  • Current photo of animal
  • Name of animal
  • Date of Birth (or approx. age) of animal
  • Breed
  • Symptoms and any history

Once I have completed the balance, I will email the information to you.

Pet Balance (1/2 hour) $70
Pet Balance (1 hour)  $120